Seasoned Coppa – 1.8 kg piece | 0.9 kg vacuum half
Sales designation: cured cup
Quantity: 1.8 kg | 0.9 kg
Origin: Italy, produced and packaged by Salumificio Fereoli Mario & Figlio snc
Made from the traditional recipe, it is produced using only Italian meats and sold only and exclusively after maturing for at least 120 days.
History of the manufacturer
The Fereoli Mario & Figlio company, located in the heart of Emilia’s Food Valley, to be precise in Pilastro di Langhirano, in the province of Parma, has been involved since 1965 in the processing of the finest pork meats for the production and seasoning of cured meats, with related packaging and packing, and in the sale of high gastronomy pork cuts and cheeses typical of the area.
Now in its fourth generation of producers, despite the due updating of technology and processing techniques, it hands down and preserves its soul as a traditional family business to bring the best local products to your table. The production of cooked and raw cured meats typical of the Parma hill area is carried out with the same care as in the past and following ancient recipes.
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